Wednesday, November 30, 2016

Glory of a "Me Date"

We all now the cliche "you can't truly love someone, until you love yourself." I'm here to agree with that over used saying. I am a young female student who also happens to be engaged. While I enjoy dates with my man hunk, I look forward to what I like to call my "me dates." In fact, I had one today consisting of having some coffee on Springfield's downtown followed taking my lunch to go to the hookah lounge down the street. The only thing to take up my attention was people watching, writing to my lovely readers, and getting engulfed in a zombie trilogy. The tunes playing through my headphones brought to life The Beatles, Fleetwood Mac, Led Zeppelin, Queen, and all the greats.

A year ago, going to the movie theaters or eating in a restaurant (not fast-food) by myself would never happen. My self-doubt would flare up; "What if someone hits on me?", "What if I get kidnapped?!", and the all too familiar "What if people think I'm sad?".

Well, here are my responses to those pesky insecurities;

"What if someone hits on me?"
Uhhh, no thank you. I'm not interested, have a great day. (I refuse to use my relationship status as a reason or excuse to turn someone down. I simply don't want to be apart of that conversation, so no.)

"What if I get kidnapped?!"
Movies and documentaries have trained me well (along with my mother). I have some handy pepper spray. I do not need other people with me constantly to provide safety. I am not a child or incapable of taking care of myself, instead I am a grown ass woman who is aware of safety precautions (blog to come). Keep in my mind, though, my "me dates" do not include walking in dark alleys or shady clubs.

"What if people think I'm sad?"
Now this is ridiculous. When looking back on every time I've gone to the movies or out to eat and saw someone by themselves, I never thought "Wow, they need a hug." I would just smile their direction and continue on with my business. Most of the time, they would smile back. "Me dates" tend to reset my mood for the rest of the week, making it better for me and everyone around me.

Don't be afraid to date yourself! Whether you're single, in a relationship, or have been married for a decade, you are the main character in your story. Remember you are important! Hopefully, a nice "me date" will give you a chance to see just how amazing you are.

Have a great day, lovely readers!

Hillbilly Feminist

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