Friday, April 28, 2017

Friday, April 21, 2017

Domestic Violence in the Ozarks Part 1

This episode was a bit heavy, but it is super important!! I talk about some domestic violence stats and bring some real life examples to the power and control wheel. Next week, Part 2 will be on male victims in domestic violence and local, state, and national resources.

We will talk more about these numbers next week, but here are a couple Hotline numbers for you or someone you may know.

National Domestic Violence Hotline (US)
1-800-799-7233 or 1-800-787-3224 (TTY)

RAINN (Rape, Abuse, & Incest National Network)

References: click Arkansas

Thursday, April 6, 2017

Fired Up!

Intelligent presenters. Policy engagement. Progressive discussion. That was the beginning of my night. It ended with missiles in Syria. I'm not a religious person, but this is one HECK of a sign to get involved...ASAP! Whether you're Democrat, Republican or anything in between, become aware! Know who your State Representative or Senator, the bills coming up (that are passionate to you), and make sure your voice is heard! 
Tonight I participated in a local initiative, Gov't 101, to become aware of who you can call and what bills will have effects on you. Right now, what ever craziness results from the current administration's choice (and it was a choice) will effect us all. 

Gov't 101 panel
Now time for a rant, why in the world was there an attack on another country?!?!?!? I understand, the gas attacks were heart breaking. Why not provide aid? Why not provide assistance to the child refugees? If I read one more time "they crossed a line" I'm going to puke. While millions of older people will no longer get their funded meals, we want to up our military (what a crazy coincidence, right?). Don't forget about the millions of people who will be losing their insurance, especially those who are diagnosed with substance use disorder and all mental illnesses (the new plans won't consider either within the same realm as medical illnesses). Suffering from panic attacks, need help with recovery from an addiction, or experiencing obsessive thoughts...please, go seek help now! Funding will be cut, it may not be this year, but the administration and the Republican led Congress have vowed to repeal and (after the election) wants to repeal it "with something bigger and better" (using Trump's vocabulary). 
I digress! So while our citizens our getting screwed over by this new beautiful budget the administration is playing hypocrite. In September 7th, 2013, Trump uses his now infamous twitter to call out Obama to not get involved in Syria, which he did not. Good thing government workers have some great insurance, because Trump may have some memory loss. Oh and another beautiful tweet from Trump back in the day. On September 5th, 2013, he appears to advocate not getting involved with Syria and "fix U.S.A." Could that statement be anymore hypocritical?!?! Before anyone says this is a heartless view, understand there could of been further initiatives to help children refugees, including aid and visas. How is firing missiles going to help the children still suffering in Syria? Please, explain the reasoning to me.

I'm sure there will be many more rants to come. To end on a positive note, even though I extremely disagree with the current administration and the choices being made, the fact I am able to write this blog shows our country has more freedom than most. Let's hope I'll be able to write this weekend with a kick off of WW3.

Have a great night!

Hillbilly Feminist